wow I never really believed people when they said treasure every moment time flies. Till it hit me. My baby I loved and talked to in my belly . My baby I prayed over and spent many sleepless night with. My baby I fought with doctors to find a remedy for her reflux. My baby I watched crawl and walk and say her first words. My baby is no longer a baby. Shes 6 years old .Where did time go? I have so many fond memories that fill my head , but still I want more. She's grown into a beautiful smart little girl. Shes reading small 3 and four letter word sentences and talking about marrying her love Jackson. She's becoming a little creative artist and using her imagination more and more. She's deeply in love with dinosaurs and animals. She's got a super kind heart and starting to ask biblical questions. She's my Joy in the morning and my Song that puts me to sleep at night.
This Year for her 6th Birthday she asked for an Angelina Ballerina Birthday Party. As always I strive to make the perfect party on a non existent budget lol. Lots and lots of handmade items and all the food made myself. I found tutu's online for 2.50 a piece and got my dear mother-in-law made capes for the boys. I hired a past pulse student of mine to come as Angelina and dance and entertain the kids . Best $40 bucks I've ever spent! She was a hit . She brought an Angellina Dance Game and taught them some moves and did a special dance. She even brought pointe toe shoes for the girls to try on. I hand painted mask for all the girls and boys to wear and take home too!!

On her actual Birthday every year we spend the whole day celebrating Her and she decides what we do. In years past it's been a wild animal safari,cabbage patch land,Monkey Joes etc. This year she wanted to go see Dinosaurs so off to the Ferbank Natural History Museum we go!!! We stopped before the Ferbank and had Lunch at Ihop were she was sang to and had a Birthday Pancake!!.She loved the dinosaurs especially the teranadon!! After the Meauseum we went to Build a Bear and let herr use a certificate she got for her birthday and let her go to target to spend her giftcard then we came home and watched movies together for the rest of the day!
Playing Her Leappad we got her for her Birthday ready for her big day!! |
Enjoying her Birthday panCAKE!! |
Exploring the Fernbank playcenter |
Reagan the mean T-Rex after Daddy!! |
Family Shot!! |
MY Cool Kat Diva!! |
Giving her Build a bear (dog she named Brown Dog) a bath! |
Her Goodies she got with her giftcard!! |
I'm one blessed Momma!!!!
Love her too!
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